And girl it looks so pretty to me just like it always did
Like the Spanish City to me when we were kids
Oh girl it looks so pretty to me just like it always did
Like the Spanish City to me when we were kids

Listening to these lyrics from Tunnel of Love back when I was a teenager, I imagined a group of kids on a beach. I imagined them looking beyond the sea towards a magic city across the ocean. Much later I found out that the Spanish City wasn't a city at all. It was actually a permanent funfair in Whitley Bay, England. But the mental image I got when hearing the song didn't change. Listening to it even now, decades later, it still evokes strong feelings in me. A sliver of the magic I felt back then, still remains. 

Music has a weird way of affecting us. The impact of movies are multiplied by soundtracks carefully designed to trigger our emotions. A song on the radio that our brain associates with a long lost friend, suddenly makes us tear up. 

This magic ability mostly persists even on low-fi equipment. An old car radio or even the puny speaker of a phone may trigger the same feelings. Which is why we need to remember that it's that experience that matters. It's not the audio equipment that is the goal. It's not even the music. It's the magic that happens when you listen. 

Even though the magic of music is present through all music systems, we truly believe that when the sound quality is better, the experience is better. We also believe that the presence of accurate bass is one of the key factors required to improve it.

So at the end of the day, we'd like to do that for you. We build subwoofers so we can be a part of the magic. So we can listen to music with you.


Explore Sigberg Audio subwoofers and loudspeakers 

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