Active speakers often look modern. That can be good thing or a bad thing, depending on your taste and preference. Some also sound modern. That's rarely a good thing. 

Many people shun away from modern, active speakers for various reasons. They look wrong, they sound wrong. It's a bit like with electric cars. Why can't they just look like a normal car? Then suddenly they did. And were better in most respects.

Sigberg Audio takes a different approach to active speakers compared to most other brands. Our cabinets are inherently traditional enclosures, built by traditional loudspeaker cabinet craftsmen with decades of experience.

Our enclosures are rigid, well damped and non-resonant due to their design and build quality, not through DSP trickery or any digital enhancement. There are no shortcuts to great sound.

We use digital crossovers, but our approach is in many ways similar to traditional analog crossovers. We do not use FIR filters, and we use almost exclusively low Q (Where Q=1 or below) filters to minimize ringing and unintended audible effects. Our crossovers are phase linear across the midrange and tweeter. Because it just sounds better.

Linear frequency response is achieved through high quality drivers and components, not through hammering the response flat with DSP. 

The result? The rich, accurate and effortless signature sound of Sigberg Audio. So true to life that recording engineers using our speakers can hardly discern the raw recorded mix from the real thing.

If you are ready to experience it, check out Sigberg Audio loudspeaker systems today!

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